Plenary Activities, including Plenary Lectures (PL) and Plenary Panels (PP)

The plenary activities are those components of the scientific programme that address all Congress participants at the same time.

For ICME-14 there will be two types of plenary activities, including 4 plenary lectures and 3 plenary panel discussions. After the lectures, there will be an opportunity for participants to meet and discuss with the speakers.

The information of the speakers are as follows:

Plenary Lecture 1: Cédric VILLANI (France)

Plenary Lectur2: Lingyuan GU (China)

Plenary Lecture 3: Robyn JORGENSEN (Australia)

Plenary Lecture 4Mercy KAZIMA (Malawi)

Plenary Panel 1: Actors for mathematics teacher education: Joint actions versus conflicts

Chair: Angel RUIZ (Costa Rica)

Team members: Frédéric GOURDEAU (Canada), Despina POTARI (Greece), Chunxia QI (China), Mikhail SLUCH (Russia)

Abstract of Plenary Panel1.pdf

Plenary Panel 2: Mathematics education reform post 2020: Conversations towards building back better

Chair: Mellony GRAVEN (South Africa)

Team members: Marcelo BORBA (Brazil), Eva JABLONKA (Germany), Danny MARTIN (USA), Ravi SUBRAMANIAM (India)

Abstract of Plenary Panel2.pdf

Plenary Panel 3: Pandemic times: Challenges, responsibilities and roles for mathematics and mathematics education communities

Cochairs: Michèle Artigue (France) and Ingrid Daubechies (USA)

Team members: Timothy Gowers (UK), Jean Lubuma (South Afirica), Nelly León (Venezuela) and David Wagner (Canada)

Abstract of Plenary Panel3.pdf