
1.     I could not register with my e-mail address (or the system prompt shows that the e-mail address has existed).

· The e-mail address has been registered. Repeated registration is forbidden by the system.

·  The e-mail address has been registered as an alternate E-mail of others.

You had better register with another e-mail address, or try to log in by inputting password

or click forget the password.

2.     I could not receive e-mail code or e-mail code is invalid

·  Please click “Validate e-mail” to acquire the verification code. Please check the spam box at the same time.

·  The verification code is valid within 30 minutes.

3.     I could not submit the registration information

Please screenshot your problem and sent it to

4.     I have forgotten the password.

Please visit the registration system and click “ Forget Password”

5.     I have other problem with my registration system and need IT support

Please screenshot your problem and sent it to

Our staff will reply you within three working days.



1.     How much is the conference fee?

Fully paid between Nov. 1st, 2019 and March 31st, 2020      RMB 3500

Fully paid between April 1st and May 31st, 2020                  RMB 3800

Paid on and after June 1st 2020 and on-spot                           RMB 4000

      Accompanying person’s registration, any time                       RMB 1000

2.     What are the benefits for a participant?

    Benefits of registered and fully paid participants include

·  Programme Brochure

·  Admission to scientific programme activities (excluding Early Career Research Day)

·  Admission to social programme activities

· Shanghai public transportation card with RMB 100 prefilled

·  Excursion on Thursday, July 16th, 2020

3.     What are the benefits for an accompany person?

     Benefits of registered accompanying persons include

·  Admission to social programme activities like Happy-hours

·  Shanghai public transportation card1 with RMB 100 prefilled

· Excursion on Thursday, July 16th, 2020

4.     How do I pay

All payment can be made online via credit card or by bank transfer. Union-pay and Alipay

pay are available as well. Checks are not acceptable.

5.     How do I pay by bank transfer?

· For overseas participants

Please send e-mail to to get the invoice. After bank transfer, please

also send payment slip, registration number and name of each participant to

Note: Bank transfer charges are for your account.

· For domestic participants: Please see the bottom of this page.

6.     How can I pay by international credit card?

      International Card Payment Instructions:

·  Click the payment link on website and then connect to the payment page.

·  Choose VISA or Master card on the payment page, and then link to the acquiring bank.

·  If you pay with the VISA card, please enter the card information on the payment page; if you pay with Master card, please enter the card information on the online bank page of CCB (China Construction Bank).

7.     Problems about international credit payment online

     The most common reasons are:

·  The cardholder hasn’t activated the 3D verification service. Please activate the 3D service before making the payment.

·  The payment amount exceeds the monthly limit of the credit card.

·  The card has already been used this month and the monthly limit of the card would be exceeded with this payment.

·  The credit card is not authorized for online payments.

·  The client is not in his home city or country when he attempts to pay online. The location of the payer can easily be detected by the issuing bank and usually they decline such payments, even if the 3D-Secure / Verified for Visa Code is correct.

·  For security reasons the credit card is not authorized for payments in foreign countries or foreign currencies, or the limit for such payments is lower than for national payments. In that case the client has to contact his bank / his credit card operator and to ask for explicit approval of a payment to the required country.

·  The participant has forgotten his 3D Secure / Verified by Visa password (often they even do not remember that they have one).

·  The servers of the participant's bank or an intermediary banking system are under maintenance.

·  The card has been blocked by the bank, maybe it was misused elsewhere. (Please be aware that millions of credit cards have been stolen during the last years from payment service providers).

·  Reason of chargeback: charge repeatedly, fraud transaction (not paid by the cardholder), wrong amount and unauthorized transactions.

If you have made sure that your payment failure is not caused about above reasons, please contact

8.     How do I pay on-spot?

Cash (only RMB) and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Union-pay) will be accepted to do

on-spot payment. Cash is always the safest and fastest option. If you choose to pay

on-spot, we strongly recommend you to pay with cash.

9.     How I can I get the invoice?

· If you choose to pay online or through bank transfer, please download the E-copy on the

dashboard page of your registration system.

· If you pay on-site, please take the invoice at registration desk during the session of


10.  Can I register for new participant or accompany person on-spot?

Sorry. We will not accept new registration for participant or accompany person on-spot.

11.  Cancellation policies

Cancellation of registration can be done at any time in case the participant cannot attend the Congress for some reason, but refund requirement must be made before June 20th, 2020. All refunds will be processed after the Congress, with a cancellation penalty at 20% of the paid amount.

The payment has to be done online (by credit card, Union-pay, Alipay)

PS. Overseas bank transfer from personal account is not applicable, including Hongkong-Macau-Taiwan.

      If you have any question about payment, please contact

12. How do I pay by bank transfer?(For domestic participants) 我该如何用银行转账付款?







13.  How can I pay with Union-pay(For domestic participants)我该如何用银联支付?

·  银联支付是指在支付过程中,通过银联在线支付收银台跳转到您的银行网银页面,按网银界面要求输入支付信息并完成支付的方式。

·  在网站选择银联支付;选择您要付款的银行,然后点击“登记银联支付按钮,跳转到相关银行银联支付页面;在银联页面上,输入相关银行卡信息点击确定按钮进行付款;

·  开通网上支付功能发卡行是否收取手续费由发卡行自行决定,建议持卡人咨询相关发卡行。

·  为保障网上交易安全,特别提醒您采取以下防范措施:妥善保存个人信息,请您妥善保管账号、密码、身份证和手机等重要信息;保证手机安全。请您定期使用杀毒软件、避免随意下载应用软件、打开来历不明的网址或邮件。

14.  Problems about Union-pay (For domestic participants) 银联常见问题有哪些?

·  银行卡状态异常,银行卡余额不足或者支付金额超过了银行对您银联支付的限额(拨打银行客服热线查询)

·  网络异常,页面打开慢或者打不开(换网络环境再试)

·  未开通网上银行(到银行柜面开通,部分公务卡无法开通网银)

·  浏览器问题:是否确认关闭了上网助手及拦截软件,关闭IE浏览器弹出窗口阻止程序;IE浏览器中Internet选项安全级别是否设置为默认级别;建议清除一下IE浏览器cookie及临时文件

·  在付款高峰期,可能会出现付款页面延迟,请稍后重试。

15.  How can I get the Fapiao (For domestic participants) 我该如何领取发票?

· 如果您提前完成网上支付或汇款并准确填写发票信息,请在2020713日以后至注册台领取发票。

· 如果您在现场完成支付并准确填写发票信息,请在2020717-18日至注册台领取发票。



1.       What is the solidarity fund grant?

One of the aims of the ICMEs is to have a balanced representation from all over the world among the presenters as well as among the general participants. In order to achieve this goal, ICMI has instigated a general policy of established a solidarity fund by setting aside 10% of the registration fees for it. The fund assists delegates from developing countries to attend the ICMEs.

An autonomous and anonymous Solidarity Fund Committee, appointed by the IPC of ICME-14, will distribute the grants from the Solidarity Fund amongst the successful applicants. Priority will be given to applicants from developing countries who contribute to the scientific programmes.

Grants will be given mainly as partial support to registration fee, accommodation, and travel costs. All potential applicants are advised to apply for funding from other sources as well.

2.       How can I apply for the solidarity fund grant?

Participants who consider themselves eligible for grants from the Solidarity Fund of ICME-14 are encouraged to send a grant application to the Solidarity Fund Committee. Application form can be downloaded from the official website (homepage—downloads—grant application form). Please note that the following information is important for the committee to decide the supports:

– Basic personal information, including full name, postal and e-mail addresses

– Current institute, academic position, the country/region

– Paper or poster submitted

– Academic CV

– List of publications

– Current financial situation

Please send the form as a PDF file by email to between November 1st, 2019 and December 20th, 2019. If necessary, a recommendation letter by PhD-supervisor can be attached.