Early Career Researcher Day (ECRD)
Program Chair: Prof. Dr. Lianghuo Fan
The Program Booklet is ready for download, clickingECRD Program Booklet.pdf
Early Career Researcher Day (ECRD), first created in ICME-13, is also organized by LOC of ICME-14. The event will be held on the day of, but before, the opening ceremony, and is attached to ICME-14, though it is not an integral part of ICME-14 itself.
General Aims
1. To provide the participants (early career researchers) with opportunities to develop their research competencies in related fields.
2. To provide the participants with opportunities to establish new contacts and build new networks.
3. To provide the participants with opportunities to work with and learn from internationally renowned scholars and experts in related fields.
1. Research conceptualization and methods.
2. Writing research proposals and implementing research projects.
3. Research publications.
Program and schedule
The program will consist of 9 parallel workshops in the morning and a plenary session, 7 parallel interactive discussions and a panel discussion in the afternoon. All times listed in the schedule are based on UTC+8, i.e. the Beijing Time.
l Parallel Workshops
Time: 8:30—12:00, with Coffee & Tea Break at 10:00—10:30
Theme: Research conceptualization and methodology
Workshop 1: Qualitative research methodology
Presenter: Marcelo Borba (São Paulo State University, Brazil)
Co-presenter: Liliane Xavier Neves (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Brazil)
Workshop 2: Design-based research
Presenter: Andreas Stylianides (University of Cambridge, UK)
Co-presenter: Gabriel Stylianides (University of Oxford, UK)
Workshop 3: Mixed methods
Presenter: Susan Prediger (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
Co-presenter: Kirstin Erath (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
Workshop 4: Video-based research
Presenter: Ida Mok (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Co-presenter: Wenjun Zhao (Beijing Normal University, China)
Workshop 5: Large‐scale assessments
Presenter: Christian Bokhove (University of Southampton, UK)
Workshop 6: Naturalistic Paradigm and Ethnographic Methods
Presenter: Judit Moschkovich (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
Workshop 7: Argumentation analyses
Presenter: Christine Knipping (University of Bremen, Germany)
Co-presenter: Fiene Bredow (University of Bremen, Germany)
Workshop 8: Participatory action research
Presenter: Julie Amador (University of Idaho, USA)
Workshop 9: Methods of textbook research
Presenter: Sebastian Rezat (University of Paderborn, Germany)
l Lunch & Break: 12:00—13:30
l Plenary Session
Time: 13:30—15:15
Theme: Academic writing and academic publishing. Presentation of 8 major journals in mathematics education and education by their editors. Moderator: Professor Jinfa Cai, University of Delaware, USA.
No. | Journal | Editor-in-Chief/ Editor/ Associate Editor |
1 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | Arthur Bakker David Wagner |
2 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | Patricio Herbst Jinfa Cai |
3 | Journal of Mathematical Behavior | Carolyn A. Maher Louise Wilkinson |
4 | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education | Despina Potari |
5 | Mathematical Thinking and Learning | Lyn English Heather Johnson |
6 | Mathematics Education Research Journal | Peter Grootenboer |
7 | Research in Mathematics Education | Alf Coles Laura Black Jenni Ingram |
8 | ZDM - Mathematics Education | Gabriele Kaiser |
l Coffee & Tea Break: 15:15—15:45
l Parallel Interactive Discussions
Time: 15:45—16:30
The participants will meet 7 major journal editors (in separate rooms) and have interactive discussions with them. The information about participating editors is shown in the above table.
No. | Journal | Editor-in-Chief/ Editor | |
1 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | Arthur Bakker | |
2 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | Jinfa Cai | |
3 | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education | Despina Potari | |
4 | Mathematical Thinking and Learning | Lyn English
| |
5 | Mathematics Education Research Journal | Peter Grootenboer | |
6 | Research in Mathematics Education | Jenni Ingram | |
7 | ZDM - Mathematics Education | Gabriele Kaiser |
l Panel Discussion
Time: 16:30—18:00
In this plenary session, three world-renowned scholars in mathematics education, who are all recipients of the Felix Klein or Hans Freudenthal Awards, will share their research and publication work (results, methods, experiences, etc.) with early career researchers, have a dialogue/discussion with the participants, and answer questions specifically about their research work or generally about mathematics education research. Moderator: Professor Lianghuo Fan, East China Normal University, China.
The three panelists are as follows:
Professor Alan H. Schoenfeld, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Recipient of the 2011 Felix Klein Award.
Professor Gert Schubring, Bielefeld University, Germany; Recipient of the 2019 Hans Freudenthal Award.
Professor Anna Sfard, University of Haifa, Israel; Recipient of the 2007 Hans Freudenthal Award.
Note: The programme may be subject to change due to unforeseen reasons.
Registration for Early Career Researcher Day
Registration for the Early Career Researcher Day is independent of but attached to the ICME-14 registration, and it charges extra
− RMB 350 for the registration for participation in face-to-face form, which also covers the lunch and coffee/tea breaks on this day, or
− RMB 200 for the registration for participation in online form.
If you are interested to participate in the Early Career Researcher Day, please follow the following steps to register.
− After your ICME-14 registration, please go to the “MY ICME-14” domain and click the option “Early Career Researcher Day” to register for the Early Career Researcher Day. (If you have not registered for ICME-14 yet, please complete your ICME-14 registration first. The ICME-14 registration website is https://reg.icme14.org/. )
− Make sure that an extra charge of RMB 350 (for face-to-face participation) or RMB 200 (for online participation) is added to your ICME-14 registration bill, which means your Early Career Researcher Day registration is successful.
The Program Organization Team would like to thank the ICME-14 Advisory Committee: Lianghuo Fan (Chair;East China Normal University, China), Ferdinando Azarello (University of Torino, Italy), Jinfa Cai (University of Delaware, USA), Bernard Hodgson (University of Laval, Canada), Peng Yee Lee (National Institute of Education, Singapore), Frederick Leung (University of Hong Kong, China), and Anna Sfard (University of Haifa, Israel), for their continuous help and support.